One year of surfskating - Best of 2020

Released on 2021-12-01
It was an interesting year, but we sure to spend as much time outdoors surfskating and cruising.


Swiss Waves – Curfboard adventures
Curfboard Ice blades - Let's surf frozen water!
How surfskating improved my surfing - Duco's Curfboard progression
From Surfcruiser to Performance Surfskate
Concrete to water - Curfboard WAVE
Surfing the city
Grom session with Tristan
Underground surfskate session - Curfboard WAVE
The closest things to surfing and snowboarding - Curfboard Surfskate
The ultimate Surfskate experience - Curfboard WAVE
Carving Dutch surf skating with Timo Janssen
Bali paradise - Surfskating through rice fields towards the ocean