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Curfboard Ice blades - Let's surf frozen water!

Released on 2022-11-16

Ice is only frozen water!

That’s what we had in mind when developing these blades. You can now extend your surfskate season throughout the winter months by simply exchanging your wheels with our blades. Training surf moves on ice or just cruise across these frozen waters, or even use a kite or wing to propel you further, are just a few of the new possibilities these blades create for you.

Las cuchillas para hielo de Curfboard te dan la máxima sensación de surf de tu Curfboard sobre hielo, ya sea en lagos, estanques o en la pista de hielo local. Te sorprenderá lo rápido que puedes ir y lo fácil que es bombear la tabla desde un punto muerto hasta la máxima velocidad. Hacer giros, deslizar el tail, todo es posible. ¡Llevemos tu surfskate a una nueva dimensión!

Developed with passion and endless hours of testing over 5 years we optimized the shape and grind of the blades to perfectly match our Curfboard surfskate truck system. Limited edition.

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